
Human-Machine Interaction on a New Level
At the University of Stuttgart, Prof. Andreas Bulling explores how intelligent assistance systems can effectively collaborate with us. His research focuses on developing systems that are designed to provide people with optimal support in fields such as medical diagnostics, caregiving, or as versatile “everyday helpers.” In the future, these systems may even be capable of empathizing with others. For his expertise in the field of human-machine interaction and his dedication to fostering young scientific talent, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has appointed Bulling as a Henriette Herz Scout.
Date: Dec 5, 2024

BITS @ Science Notes
As part of the 3rd Stuttgart Science Festival, Prof. Sabine Ludwigs and Prof. David Remy from the Centre for Bionic Intelligence Tübingen Stuttgart presented their research on intelligent polymers and legged locomotion to a fully packed Gustav-Siegle-Haus on Friday 18.10.2024.
The event, part of an evening curated by Science Notes (, offered a dynamic platform where each researcher had just 15 minutes to dive into their work. Complementing the science with art, renowned DJ, producer, and biologist Dominik Eulberg provided a mesmerizing soundtrack and visual experience, blending music with the evening’s scientific theme of “Bionics”.
Date: October 18, 2024
Credits: Ilkay Karakurt für Science Notesinsta:

Presentation of BITS at the 3rd Stuttgart Science Festival
On Tuesday, 15.10.2024, Prof. Dr. Syn Schmitt presented the Centre for Bionic Intelligence Tübingen Stuttgart during his lecture at the 3rd Stuttgart Science Festival. Many interested listeners followed his lecture on site and online.
“The establishment of BITS is an important milestone for the cooperation between these four scientific institutions in Cyber Valley,” says Schmitt. “In this network, it will be possible to research the basis for future diagnostic and therapeutic concepts for diseases of the nervous system with the help of technical support systems,” he added.
Many thanks to Syn Schmitt for his ambitious efforts to bring BITS closer to the public
Date: October 15, 2024

BITS at the Cyber Valley Days
The Cyber Valley Days brought together numerous international experts in the field of AI and robotics in Stuttgart and Tübingen. As part of Cyber Valley, BITS successfully presented itself. At the BITS booth, Prof. Sabine Ludwigs, Prof. Martin Giese and Prof. Syn Schmitt welcomed the Minister of Science, Petra Olschowski.
Date: June 21, 2024

BITS exhibits on Science Day of University of Stuttgart
Science Day of the University of Stuttgart will take place on Saturday, June 8, 2024. Once a year, the University of Stuttgart opens ist laboratory doors. Exhibits, lectures, experiments to touch and participate in: this is how research and teaching come to life.
University for the young and old
Bionic intelligence is a radically new approach to the integration of of technical components with humans through intelligent materials, intelligent software and their interaction. The aim is to develop new support systems and intervention concepts for neuromotor and mental health disorders. We will show concepts from the fascinating world of soft intelligent polymers, human-like robotics and neurological immersion. Join in and touch!
Date: May 31, 2024

Bionic Intelligence for Health - successful with cluster draft proposal
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has announced the first important decisions regarding the “Clusters of Excellence” funding line as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. The University of Stuttgart has been approved for two new cluster initiatives, enabling us to submit a full proposal for our draft proposal “Bionic Intelligence for Health”. The final decision on the new excellence clusters and the continuation of existing clusters will be announced in May 2025.
Date: February 2, 2024

BITS at 5. Jahresveranstaltung des Forums Gesundheitsstandort BW
We were so proud to present BITS as part of Cyber Valley at the Jahresveranstaltung Forum Gesundheitsstandort BW on 6th of December 2023 in the Liederhalle in Stuttgart.
Many thanks to Prof. David Remy and Prof. Tobias Renner and the teams from Prof. Syn Schmitt and Prof. Sabine Ludwigs for making this event possible. What a great team event!
It was a special honor to welcome Minister President Winfried Kretschmann, Science Minister Petra Olschowski, and Economic Minister Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut.
Date: December 11, 2023

BITS at Engineering Intelligence – Cyber Valley at the University of Stuttgart
Date: December 8, 2023

Using personalized therapy to treat obsessive compulsive disorders
Obsessive compulsive disorders are usually treated in a clinic, but to improve treatment success, researchers from the universities of Tübingen and Stuttgart, under the leadership of the Universitätsklinikum Tübingen (UKT), are now aiming to treat children and adolescents in their everyday environment. To this end, they are developing technically supported therapy options.
Date: October 23, 2023

Center for Bionic Intelligence Tübingen Stuttgart founded
Biointelligent systems for diagnosis and therapy in everyday neurological and mental diseases.
Date: October 11, 2023

Minister Olschowski visits Cyber Valley in Stuttgart
With technologies of the future, such as intelligent robotics, generative and logical artificial intelligence (AI), medical robots, and sensor technology for the field of oncology, the University of Stuttgart showed Minister of Science Petra Olschowski how fundamental AI research is being integrated into cyber-physical systems at Stuttgart’s “Cyber Valley”.
Date: September 13, 2023
Location: Cyber Valley in Stuttgart

Robot Bionic Intelligence Colloquium
University of Stuttgart’s Autonomous Systems and Biomedical Systems Research Units together with Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems proudly present three leading researchers in Robot Bionic Intelligence. Please join us for this unique and interesting colloquium.
Date: Thursday, November 10, 2022
Time: 9:30 – 12:30
Location: Lecture Hall 2D5, Max Planck Institute, Heisenbergstr. 1, 70569 Stuttgart